Take control of your
blinds, the smarter way

Tailored to Your Lifestyle Open up to a new day
of smarter living

Smarter control

Smarter control

Adjust blinds using
voice, app, or switch.

Switch to more

Set schedules

Automate your blinds
for daily convenience.

Climate control

Climate control

Open and close blinds
during peak temperatures.

Behaviour link

Ensure privacy

Open or close,
from anywhere.

WATCH NOW Enjoy the everyday luxury of smarter blinds


Smarter Living Easy control for

Manage everything with the app, switch,
or use voice commands, giving families,
seniors, and people with disabilities an
easier way to stay in control.

Learn more

Effortless Automation Blinds that move
to your schedule

Set your blinds to open and close
at the perfect times for you.

Climate control Better heating
and cooling

Scheduling of your blinds can be
seasonally optimised to reduce
heating and cooling energy costs.

  • Hey Google,
    good morning

VOICE controlOpen with

Do more with a few words
using a smart home assistant.

Linked blindsDouble press
to control all

Behaviour linked controllers let
you open and close all blinds with
a simple double press.

Private Space Added privacy
and security

Automatically close your blinds
at night. Use the app to adjust
them anytime, from anywhere.

senoa designer Make it yours with
the facia designer

Choose your finish
in White or Black

Laser engrave
with text & icons

Set your colours
in the app

Set colours
in the app

Shop senoaThe smarter way to open
and close your blinds